Tuesday 9 May 2006


Your Monday Photo Shoot: Grab Bag!

You know what? Sometimes it's fun not to have any rules. With that in mind:

Your Monday Photo Shoot: Grab Bag! Show off any picture you want, and long as it's really cool. That's right, you make the call -- all I want is to look at it and say "Whoa! What a neat picture."

(And remember, just because it's called the Monday Photo Shoot doesn't mean you can't post a picture on Tuesday, Wednesday or even Thursday morning for consideration on the Thursday spotlight entry.)

From John at; http://beta.journals.aol.com/johnmscalzi/bytheway/entries/5904

I've never done this monday morning photo shoot before but I had this photo I took a couple of years back in Hawaii and thought it footed the bill!! It was taken on top of Mauna Kea at sunset, you can see the sun setting below the clouds. The big structures are the huge telescopes that take advantage of the rarefied air at nearly 14,000ft.


Anonymous said...

Very good. You can see the sun rays. Hope your leg is better this morning and was well enough for you to go to work. Helen

Anonymous said...

Wow, very beautiful.  Way to go Jeannette...Linda

Anonymous said...

Very pretty! So glad you shared it. Sunsets are beautiful just about anywhere, but I've never been to Hawaii. ONly seen photos. Loved this one. Bea


About Me

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I'm a 62yr old AOL refugee, living on the south coast of England. I love travelling and sharing my photos. I live with Nina and Katinka, my two Maine Coon cats.